Disney Dining with Pineapple!

Disney Dining Reviews and YOU!

The Wish Upon A Disney Dining section of the blog is where we will review the restaurants and cuisine of Disney dining.  This is also a great section where we can get Wish Upon a Disney viewers help!  If you had a great experience and loved something while dining at a Disney Resort, write up a quick review (snap a picture if you can) and send it in!  My goal is to review as many as I can, but realistically it is probably impossible!  So what better than to enlist my fellow Disney addicts help!

Here are my super simple instructions!

  1. Go to a Disney Park or Hotel.
  2. Have an awesome meal and/or dining experience.
  3. Write a short review, it would be nice to include the restaurant look, service, etc.  If you can snap a picture of your meal or the restaurant area that is even better!  We would love to hear your personal story.
  4. Send it to susan@wishuponadisney.com

That is it!  Thanks to anyone who will contribute in advance!  In time this will be a really informative section with great stories!






Post Author: susan